Art Director: Hunter Bell Copywriter: Alexa Wolford

Life's chaos and moments beyond our control can be tough. We have to roll with the punches and the stains that come with them. While stains should be embraced, there is no harm in being discreet about them. It's alright to feel embarrassed.

Tide To-Go is opening a laundromat and stain-fighting speakeasy called "The Spill" to help people get rid of their stains.

Get help with spills on-the-go! Tide To-Go cards promote "The Spill" and equip waitstaff and nearby stores to tackle any mess. Simply scan the QR code and voila!


Get ready for a juicy confessional with your favorite celebrities and even the cute waiter from that restaurant last night! Anyone can drop in and share. Let's spill the tea!

  • “I really don’t think there has been a single glass of red wine consumed here that hasn’t ended up on someone’s dress. Okay, that might be a little bit dramatic. We don’t only drink red wine.”

  • “I send customers here constantly. Businessmen and finance bros really need to learn how to eat. We get it, you make a killing on Wall Street but c’mon. Soda water can only do so much.”

  • “My kids are seriously so gross. Like…who raised them? I don’t think there’s a single piece of clothing in my closet that hasn’t had a stain on it. I think I’m going to just run away in the middle of the night. Don’t tell my husband.”